The Globe Trotting Journo

Guest Blog: Globe Trotting Journo

Travelling can be the most exhilarating, frightening and fabulous time of your life. The British Bindi ladies adore travelling and our plans are to do more this year, but what about deciding to travel for a long period of time? Say 6 months? By yourself? Sounds exciting but for some of us, it can sound daunting, right? We caught up with our good friend Maya (Globe Trotting Journo) who’s currently travelling South East Asia for 6 months!

Why did you decide to travel?

I’ve always loved travel, whether it’s a holiday abroad, or a city break in the U.K or Europe, I just can’t get enough! I love exploring places I’ve never been to before, learning about different cultures and trying new and unusual foods! Backpacking is something that’s always been on my bucket list and this year I just took the plunge and decided to go for it!


Where have you planned to go?

I’m going to be travelling through Southeast Asia. I’ll be starting my 6 month adventure in Bangkok, Thailand. I’ll stay there for around a month before heading over to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia – order of countries TBC.

What was your family & friends reaction to you travelling?

I think they were all pretty shocked I’d actually gone ahead and booked it, but they’ve all been very happy and supportive! I’ve always talked about going travelling so it’s not a decision I made in any rush! But some of my friends are hoping to come out and join me for a few weeks next year so that will be good – girls if you’re reading this, get booking your flights!!!

Coolest passport cover, right?

How are you feeling about travelling alone?

To be completely honest, I’m a bit scared. I love meeting and talking to new people so I don’t think making friends is going to be too difficult. I think the hardest part is going to be travelling WITHOUT family or friends. The furthest I’ve gone without seeing my family is probably when I lived away for university, although saying that I always went back home after 2 or 3 weeks!

How long did it take you to plan your travels?

I only booked my flights around 3 months ago – but travel has been on my mind for the last few years! Planning the trip hasn’t been too difficult, it’s saving the money for it, that’s been the hardest! Luckily I’m quite careful with money – I’ve created a spreadsheet with the breakdown of all my costs and daily budget so let’s hope I just stick to it. I do love a good spreadsheet!

Do you think there are any pressures not to take a lengthy time out to travel as a young British Asian?

I wouldn’t say there were any pressures, my family are quite laid back and chilled. But the reaction I’ve had from other people has been ‘What? You’re going travelling? What do your parents think? They’re letting you go alone?’. I think there’s a stigma attached to young Asian girls going anywhere alone, but its like anywhere, if you keep your wits about you, stay safe and keep in touch with everyone back home regularly you’ll be fine!

What advice would you give to anyone who’s thinking about travelling?

Go for it! Think about where you want to go, what you want to do, what parts of the world you want to see and then start researching! You don’t need a full on itinerary, just an initial rough idea to get you started. If you don’t take the plunge and do it now, when will you?

Maya’s image from Pai

What are you plans for when you’re back?

6 months is a long time to be away – but when I do get back I hope to get back into working as a full time journalist. To keep my journalistic juices flowing while I’m away I’ll be blogging and vlogging! You can check out my journey at

Travel blog

Have you travelled for a long period of time? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. You can also keep up Maya’s travels on Instagram @mayaaapatel.


An Award-Nominated blog which discusses what it's like to be a contemporary British Asian Woman. ‍

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